
Who we are

We at Real Leon Soccer Life have a passion for soccer and for passing that passion on to the next generation.  Our goal is to enable kids and youth of all backgrounds and abilities to reach the fullest of their potential not only in soccer and sport, but in life. 

We take a holistic approach to our training, and commitment, making available to our members a wide range of services, both inside and outside of the sport that can enhance lifestyle, build character, and offer the hope of a better future.  Our primary goal is to aid in the molding and building of people of character, while giving opportunity to become better athletes with all of the benefits that that can bring.

Support opportunities

Real Leon Soccer Life is dedicated to offering Soccer training opportunities to any who would care to join, regardless of affordability. Because of this, much of our much-needed funding comes from donations, sponsorships and other fundraising practices. Whether you are an individual, company or group who wishes to have a positive impact in the community, and in the lives of young people and their families who may be in need of some help, we have a way for you to do that!

Whether it be by way of our Adopt an Athlete program, or one of the several levels of one-time, monthly or annual giving options, we have a way for you to do so.

Adopt an Athlete Program

You can make a huge impact on one of our young aspiring soccer athletes by covering their registration and fees for a year at a time.  We make it a yearly sponsorship so that there will be no chance of interruption of their membership within that year timeframe.  We wish to ensure that they are not disrupted in their training and membership in the club, as this would be detrimental to their ongoing development and in the benefits that membership provides.

As the supporter(s) of the athlete, you can have access to reports on their development on the field and in their progression in the training sessions.  You can also send them personal notes of encouragement through our organization, which could be an effective means of offering motivation towards success.

Executive Partner Program

As an Executive Partner, you or your organization or group will receive recognition on our Our Partners page on the website.  You will also be able to have your name or your organisations name placed on our partnerships banner, which would be displayed at all training sessions and inter-organisational games and events.

Uniform Partner Program

As a Uniform Partner, you, your company or group will sponsor a specified number of the uniforms worn by our players.  Your name or company name will be displayed on the front of the jerseys.  You can sponsor uniforms in multiples of 15.

Support Us

Want to help us grow?

Thank you for support Real Leon Soccer Life and the kids.

Réal Leon Soccer Life

In Action

© 2022 Réal Leon Soccer Life