
Available Sponsorship Programs

This is how you can help! Réal Léon Soccer Life depends on you. Most of our team are volunteers who do this to make the children and youth of our community life better by teaching values, sportmanship, team building,

Soccer skills, and just having a good time. We know that not all Parents/Guardians can afford to give their child access to the joy of organized sport and high level training so we have created a program where you can help and really support the children and youth of our community.

Adopt an Athlete_portrait-of-five-boys-10-11-12-13-14-15-in-soc-2021-08-29-00-01-29-utc

Adopt an Athlete

(cost related is $20 per week
for a 4-week program)

For those who would like to impact one or more of our athletes, this program will cover all registration, training, and uniform costs for a particular player. You will receive a year-end tax receipt, a certificate with a player card, regular updates on the progression of the player, and the opportunity to offer messages of encouragement to the adopted player.

Many soccer balls in the net gate, equipment on green grass prepared for training in kids football academy. Health and active lifestyle. Popular sport activity

Equipment Partner

(Soccer balls, cones, Small nets, shin pads)

Please contact us to discuss equipment needs

Young Football Coach

Time Contributor Partner

(Looking for business partners, administrative, social media, photography, coaching)

Senior people holding a soccer ball

Donation Contributor 

(financial donation)

As a Donation Contributor, for any amount of financial contribution, you will receive a year end tax receipt. If this is a weekly, monthly or annual contribution, the receipt will reflect the total amounts given throughout the calendar year.
Smiling young football players shaking hands on football ground

Monthly Contributor

(Looking for business partners to donate monthly.)

their opportunity
Application now available for Spring/Summer 2023

Their Opportunity’s longest standing program pillar is our subsidies program. It’s built to help remove the financial barrier to ensure children from all economic backgrounds have an equal opportunity to participate in grassroots sports and recreation.

Business Programs

*All levels of sponsorship will receive a year end tax receipt, an RLSL branded t-shirt, and a framed certificate stating the level of sponsorship offered.

Captain of Football Team

Executive Partner

(Certificate, t-shirt-WebPage, newsletter, flag)
Cost: $2,000/year

Executive partners will receive placement in the form of a flag containing the company name and logo which will be placed at every practice and event that RLSL is engaged in.

They will be given prominence of name and logo, in RLSL’s Partners page, with a link which will lead to a web page which we will design, containing links to the company’s actual website.

They will also be included in our monthly newsletter as Executive Partner

Warm-Up Before Practice

Gold Partner

(Certificate, t-shirt-WebPage, newsletter)
Cost: $1,500/year

Gold Partners will receive name and logo on RLSL’s Partners page, with a link leading to a web page which we will design, linking to the company’s actual website.

They will also be included in the monthly newsletter as Gold Partner.

Junior Team at Practice

Silver Partner

(Certificate, t-shirt-WebPage, newsletter)
Cost: $1,000/year

Silver Partners will receive name and logo on RLSL’s Partners page, with a link leading to a web page which we will design, linking to the company’s actual website.

Kid kicking football ball while playing with his family - Active

Bronze Partner

(Certificate, t-shirt-Weblink)
Cost: $750/year

Young sportive kids with soccer ball stands together in the fiel

Uniform Partner

(Tops, shorts, socks)

The Uniform Partner will donate specifically toward the purchase of training uniforms for our young athletes. These uniforms will include RLSL branded shirt, shorts and socks. The partner will receive their company name and logo prominently placed on the front of as many uniforms as they choose to sponsor.

Réal Léon Soccer Life

In Action

© 2022 Réal Léon Soccer Life